Saturday, April 9, 2016

12 Steps to Willow River, MN

Wow.. What have I been doing since October of last year......

1. Graduated College!

2. Went to Mexico!

3. Went to Disney!

4. Left for Vinton, Iowa

5. Started Team Leader Training for NCCC

6. Visited Iowa's largest frying pan!

7. Went to a Hawkeyes basketball game!! 

8. Developed a corn fetish 

9. Class 22 Corps members arrived to Vinton, Iowa

10. Cedar 1 became a TEAM AT LAST!!!!!!!!

11. Officially inducted into AmeriCorps NCCC

12. Left for Willow River, Minnesota to serve One Heartland!

And now everyone is pretty much up to speed. Maybe throw in some work and a little (underestimate much) bit of team leader responsibilities and you know my life for the last 5 months.
It is truly hard to put into words everything that has happened these last 3 months that I have been a team leader. 
I have made some amazing friends and know that I am truly where I am meant to be.

   “Together, even the smallest can achieve the greatest goal.” –Cedar Unit Motto

More posts to come with extensive detail about service, the amazing time I had in 2 months of training. (HA!), and the actual amazing time I have had at One Heartland. 

Until Next Time!! 

Friday, October 16, 2015

The Waiting Game

Alright everyone .. I am starting to get a little antsy. 
I graduate from college with a BS in Biology and a BA in Psychology in 2 months and 3 days. 
There are only 38 days of classes left this semester.
and I leave for Iowa in 3 months.
PHEWW  I am sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for each day to come to an end. 
I am so excited to graduate college!  It is going to be so weird to not wake up everyday and go to class. 
Also homework.... I will NOT miss homework .. or exams... or boring lectures.
There are some things I am going to miss about college though:

1.  The professors:  I know what you are probably thinking if you have ever been to college, why is professors at the top of her list.  (Here comes my rant about how Salisbury University's Biology Dept. is the shit)  I would not have been able to make it through college without the wonderful professors I have had in Biology.  Not only have I gotten a chance to learn from educators that care about their students, and are also passionate about what they are talking about, but I got to work along side them.  And they never treated me like some dumb undergrad.  They treated me like a colleague or collaborator, and sought my input into their research projects.  My professors made me feel important, and encouraged me to make my ideas known.  If I can give any advice to any student reading this it would be to get to know the professors in your major, not just a teacher/student relationship, but get to know them on a personal and professional level.  If you are in science DO RESEARCH.  Work along side these people.  That's another thing... professors are people, they have families, interests, and guess what.... they go to the bar and drink beer too!  Go to their office hours, ask about their education and interests.  Making that connection will open up so many opportunities.  (End rant encouraging everyone to be apart of SU Biology )

2.  My Friends:  Alright this wouldn't be a post about what I will miss about college without talking about all the amazing people I have met while attending university.  You know who you are.  The ones who will get up in the middle of the night and get greasy gas station food with you when your having a bad night, the ones who will spend hours with you in the library (only at the circle tables), the ones who tell you straight up that the boy you think your in love with is really bad news and leaving school to move to a different state to be with him is a bad idea, the ones who come rushing to your side when there is a cricket chirping in your room at 1 in the morning, and the ones who keep encouraging you to pursue your goals and never stop believing that you can accomplish them.  Those are the ones I'm going to miss. 

                                             {Insert picture of yourself in your mind}

3.  Work:  I know I know.. Work... Really??  your going to miss work?  Well.. yeah.  I will never have a more flexible and understanding job for the rest of my career.  I work at the University in the Office of the President and Provost, and SU's Greenhouse.  The nice thing about working for the university is that they put your schooling ahead of the work they want you to do.  If you need to take a day off or have to come in late.. Sure Caitlin no problem, take your time.. do what you need to do.  That will NEVER happen anywhere else.  and another thing, I can do my homework when there is nothing to do at work.  I get paid to do homework.  I will really miss that flexibility. 

I am sure I will think of other things I will miss once graduation gets closer.  But right now I am counting down the days (literally I have a countdown highlighted in my planner) till I get OUT of here!!  :)))))

Until Next Time!

Thursday, October 1, 2015

AmeriCorps Adventure Begins!!

Okay so you know how I said I was going to California??... yeah well I got a call last week asking if I wanted to interview for a team leader position at the North Central Campus in Vinton, Iowa.  This campus was not hiring for FEMA, but for Traditional NCCC. I said why the hell not and scheduled an interview.

Yesterday was the day I was going to find out if I got the team leader position for both FEMA and Traditional...


I got both..  Here comes the decision time. 

I accepted the Team Leader position in Iowa, and I couldn't be happier!!!
I feel so blessed to be given such an amazing opportunity to serve our community!!

Expect more pictures and more information as I get it :))

I leave in January!!!

Until next time..

Monday, September 21, 2015

AmeriCorps:Step 3

Alright y'all !
So I got an interview for a Team Leader position for FEMA Corps.
I just had it tonight.
BOY was it different!
Lots of curve balls I wasn't expecting.  I will find out their decision next week.  Wish me luck!!

"Your World. Your choice to make it better"

Next post will be something about being a college student.. or eating.. or something.

Its hard to keep up with this thing!!

Until next time!!

Thursday, September 3, 2015

AmeriCorps: Step 2

Hello everyone!
So I am so excited to announce that I received my conditional invitation to serve with NCCC- FEMA Corps at the Pacific Region Campus, in Sacramento, California!!  My term will begin on February 11th 2016!

But I also applied for a team leader position, so I am still waiting to hear about that, but the good thing is that my member position is reserved until I hear about any team leader offer!!

I am just beyond excited to be apart of FEMA Corps Class 22!!

I am patiently waiting for my clearance forms to arrive in the mail so I can complete them and send them back.
The sooner I get them the faster I will receive my clearance and Welcome Packet !

I think I am really lucky to have heard this quickly after submitting my application!


Over the next few months I will continue to post about AmeriCorps updates and also probably some random rants about people who talk a lot. (I am really good at talking about myself)

If anyone has any questions, I can do my best to answer them!

Until Next Time!  

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

AmeriCorps: Step 1

After much thought and research I decided to apply to AmeriCorps NCCC Traditional and FEMA Corps for Winter 2016.  I have read many blog posts discussing AmeriCorps journeys, but none that described the detail of the application and wait time.  So here is my experience thus far:

The application itself is pretty self explanatory.  You have to explain in detail your skills, community service, and employment history.  There are also 2 essays, one on your motivations to join AmeriCorps and one on your community service experience.  You need at least 2 references.  Each reference will receive an email that has the reference form to be completed and submitted as soon as they can.

Once you have finished your application, you will receive a packet in the mail with a phone number to call for your yes/no phone interview.  For me this took a few days.  Once you have completed this phone interview they will tell you on the phone whether or not your application will be assessed based on your answers from the phone interview.

Your application will then be assessed to determine eligibility.  This was complete (for me) after 1 week of my phone interview.  I then received an email saying "... you are now eligible to receive a conditional invitation to FEMA Corps"  This invitation could come anytime from now to the departure date.  I have not received any additional information since receiving this email.

I also applied to be a Team Leader.  To be considered for a TL position you must complete two additional essays.  One is on your leadership experience and the other is why you would be an asset to AmeriCorps and how it would help your future to be a TL.

I haven't heard anything in regards to my TL application, but from my understanding I should hear something after the deadline which is Sept. 1st.

I am BEYOND excited to have a potential position with AmeriCorps by next year.

Alright this post was kind of boring, but for anyone who is interested in AmeriCorps its informational!!

Whenever I hear anything else I will be sure to write a Step 2 post!

Tuh Tuh for NOW!

Monday, August 24, 2015

About Me

So I thought as my first blog post EVER I would tell you a little bit about myself.
I am 22 years old and graduating December 2015 with a BA in Psychology and BS in Biology.
I work quite a few jobs and volunteer in a population genetics research lab.
I'm a tree hugging vegetarian who loves the outdoors and wants to travel the world (who doesn't!).
I have been all the way from Maine to California (I need to actually visit a bunch of fly over states), Jamaica, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Haiti, St. Thomas, Bahamas, and a few other Caribbean islands.
Other than work, school, and traveling when I can; I love to read, eat, take care of my plants, watch Netflix, volunteer, go to shows, listen to music, the list could go on.  OH, did I mention eating?  I truly love living... and eating.
  Living is a glorious thing that I think we (including me) take for granted way too much!
I hope to use this blog to rant about things that incessantly annoy me and to give my readers (hope you're out there somewhere) a glimpse into the life of an average 22 year old.
PLEASE contact me with any questions or things you want me to write about or if you need advice about anything.
I really have no direction for this blog; I just want to get my voice out there and be heard by the people of the internet.
Adopt ME oh mighty blog readers!!!
Some of you may be wondering what my blog title means.  If you haven't put the pieces together yet it means Daily Adventures by Caitlin.  The s is merely for looks.  Maybe I will come up with something cool that it stands for.  Suggestions??!!  Comment !!