Monday, August 24, 2015

About Me

So I thought as my first blog post EVER I would tell you a little bit about myself.
I am 22 years old and graduating December 2015 with a BA in Psychology and BS in Biology.
I work quite a few jobs and volunteer in a population genetics research lab.
I'm a tree hugging vegetarian who loves the outdoors and wants to travel the world (who doesn't!).
I have been all the way from Maine to California (I need to actually visit a bunch of fly over states), Jamaica, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Haiti, St. Thomas, Bahamas, and a few other Caribbean islands.
Other than work, school, and traveling when I can; I love to read, eat, take care of my plants, watch Netflix, volunteer, go to shows, listen to music, the list could go on.  OH, did I mention eating?  I truly love living... and eating.
  Living is a glorious thing that I think we (including me) take for granted way too much!
I hope to use this blog to rant about things that incessantly annoy me and to give my readers (hope you're out there somewhere) a glimpse into the life of an average 22 year old.
PLEASE contact me with any questions or things you want me to write about or if you need advice about anything.
I really have no direction for this blog; I just want to get my voice out there and be heard by the people of the internet.
Adopt ME oh mighty blog readers!!!
Some of you may be wondering what my blog title means.  If you haven't put the pieces together yet it means Daily Adventures by Caitlin.  The s is merely for looks.  Maybe I will come up with something cool that it stands for.  Suggestions??!!  Comment !!

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